use this form to sign up for buelfest 2024 if you want to make AN AUDIO OR AUDIOVISUAL SET to be PLAYED ON ONE OF THE SEVEN DAYS. filling out this form does not remove the possibility for you to sign up as a visual artist.
buelfest is a yearly urlfest I run on the week of my dog's birthday, Nov 1-7, that raises money for autistic kids in need of service dogs by directly inviting you to donate to various GoFundMes, with a raffle and some dog hugs as incentives. last year we raised over $1k. we open signups early for the people involved, some of whom compose things for actual orchestral ensembles, to have time to get things in order. the actual set due date is midnight EST the morning of Oct 1.
IF YOU ARE DOING A B2B PLEASE PUT BOTH NAMES IN THE ARTIST NAME AREA!! only one of you has to fill out the form though (unless you both want pings for things)
NOTE: filling out this form bestows ZERO OBLIGATION to make and complete a set, and simply signals to the team your interest.