Privacy Policy

Hi, I'm waves, I made the website. Privacy is super important to me and I wanted to include this so you can know exactly what we're doing. By connecting with Discord you grant us the ability to see some basic information about you. This includes your username, display name, and user ID. We only store this information (specifically the ID and username) when you press submit, for the purposes of identifying the response and to automatically assign roles. We don't collect, nor do we even have access to, your email, what servers you're in, your messages, or anything else related to your account. We really only care about the ID and username. This information is stored securely and for only as long as we need it for the event. If you want, you can even revoke our access in your Discord settings after you're done with the form. Keep in mind you'll need to sign back in if you want to change your response.

If you have any questions, DM me or ping me in the buelfest server. Also if you're running an event and think something like this website would be useful to you, lmk.

How we use cookies

Technical information in case you're curious. This website uses at most two functional cookies, which are required for operation of the site. These cookies are not used to collect personal information in any way. There are no third-party analytics cookies. We don't like those 'round these parts.

The first cookie, __Host-oauth-session, is set during a sign in attempt so we can associate you with the information returned to us from Discord. This cookie is cleared on a successful sign in or after 10 minutes. The sign in then sets the second cookie, __Host-session, which identifies an active session with Discord. This lets us retrieve the correct information while you use the website. This cookie is cleared when signing out or after 90 days.